According to Wikipedia;In philosophy an argument is a claim or set of claims, supported by one or more defensible reason(s). This can take the form of one or more declarative sentences (or "propositions"), known as the premises, along with another meaningful declarative sentence or proposition, known as the conclusion.
Now, in my opinion that makes perfect sense, the one or more declarative sentences is your or your partner, your friend, your mother, your brother or your sister stating something in a conversation that perhaps does not go down well on the other person's part. Now just as nature suggests when somebody comes accross something they do not agree with they object. They strike a chord with the other person and react. Stating something that is perhaps very obvious or something that may be more subtle, this is known as another declarative sentence.
Now what happens next is unfortunately all to farmiliar with the vast majority of us today. I am wholely sure that as you are reading this their is a specific argument of some sort playing back in your mind. Now as I promised you, what happens next; this is known as the conclusion. This nasty little thing comes in a range of different habits, a high pitched shriek, a slammed door, a broken glass. At this stage you know what I am talking about.
No that's the definition over, I shall revert back to my original question, why do we fight? Is there something built in to our genes that makes us want to argue with those we love the most? Who know's what it is that is deep inside us, giving us to urge to cause hurt and pain to one another, and ourselves. Ask yourself this, have you ever felt happy after an argument, even if you were on the "winning side"? Does anyone ever really "win" an argument? In my opinion we are all losers ..
If nobody gains anything from fighting and arguing then why do we do it? Have we just had enough or do we love each other so much that we feel comfortable to be our true selves, disregarding the consequences completely. In conclusion I have no firm answer and perhaps never will, all I know that arguing with those you love is not healthy, nor can any good come from it, all the bickering and screaming and shouting is getting us no where, why can't we all just get along?
Where is the need for arguing when we can simply sit back, relax and enjoy the good times with those around us, while we are still lucky to be blessed with their presence.

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