Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Adrenalin rush!!!


My exam results are due in about 2-3 days.

I am at home,
Sitting by the laptop the whole day,
Thinking about everything.

Something that I can never forget;
Mum's reassurance yesterday.
She couldn't sleep the night before,
Picking up on my nervousness and concerns.

She came to me and said,
"Whatever the outcome of your results,
I know you have done your best,
It shows.
So don't worry,
You will do well."

With that sort of assurance,
The desire to qualify myself amplifies.

There is nothing I can do now,
But wait patiently.

God knows best.
I believe unquestionably with faith.

Anuja :) 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

something i ♥ !

 This is how much i mean when i say 


kwang kwang kwang ♥♥♥