Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year :)

Hallow my dear friends..
Firstly, I would like to wish all Malaysian a Happy Chinese New Year.
May god bless all of us with glory and fair journey in our lives. 
May the rabbit nibble off all the evil roots that’s been left behind. 
For me as well since I am in the rabbit year (1987) :D

Usually I will be super excited when CNY approaches..because,
-lion dance..hahaha!!
- ang dad's friends will give :D
- mandarin oranges!! my dad gets boxes of them <3
-crackers!! (but sometimes annoying also)

This year, I am all doomed to stay home and stare all day into my notes :( bro came and asked me 
'eh anu you are born in the year of rabbit right?' 
and after me telling him 
'yes!rabbits are cute'.. :p 
he gave me a key chain he got from the bar yesterday :D 

weee..nice kan?? ::D told you rabbits are cute :p

And now, I dont have any ways to celebrate this Chinese New Year..
So I thought why not I prepare 'yee sang'..was the spelling correct? :p
I got this after registering for the gym last week and it has been there since then..
but..I am not sure on how should I prepare it.. (^-^)
Its ok..GOOGLE!

Take care and drive home carefully 
with the good days to be spent with family. 
Burst all the crackers and welcome happiness and prosperity into ourlives! 

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