Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I have been so bored staying home..
so I decided why not I try cooking something.and 
tahaaah i came up with Lasagna =) 
So yea..yesterday had been a very good day..
since I went out and meet my lovely babes 
and we watched a movie like after ages! pfftt! 
No Strings Attached  

Directed by  Ivan Reitman..
No Strings Attached is basically around a basic relationship role-reversal
Where the guy would want a deeper and lasting commitment
While the girl would want things physically..
Thus a “friends with benefits” arrangement is cemented. 

My ratings: ♥♥♥♥
p/s : Ashton Kutcher is hot!! 

oh yah..i have to get to the gym..
will continue about my lasagna another time aite :))


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