Thursday, April 7, 2011

♥ Lasagna ♥

And now finally my lasagna  :D

Making lasagna is easy. 
It definitely does not require any special skill or particular equipment. 
People hype it up and make it sound so impressive, 
but is not so hard.
However there are many steps in making a lasagna..
in fact some steps you make do a day earlier..
although it taste so good when 
all is nice and fresh.. :)
You can actually make a sauce a day before..
Alright so to the recipe..
For the meat sauce, you will need..
1 packet of minced chicken
3-4 tbsp of tomato purri
basil (dried is fine, fresh is excellent)
4 garlic cloves
1 chopped onions
salt & pepper
2 tbsp of flour
2 tbsp of chili flacks lets get into doing it :)

Heat the pan with half cup of oil..put in the chopped onions and garlic,
followed by the chicken, tomato purri, basil and stir..
Then add in the salt & pepper to taste with the chili flacks..
Stir well till almost cooked..
Finally add in the flour and off the stove..
The flour thickens the sauce so that must be added last..

Once you are done with the meet sauce,
Lay the lasagna (soaked in warm water for about 15-20 minutes) on a tray,
And add the meet sauce with the mozzarella cheese alternately,
with another layer of lasagna and the meet sauce with the final layer of mozzarella cheese..
Heat it in the over for about 10-15 minutes,
Just nice when the cheese melts and then..
tadaaa you are done! :))
and what is my post without some pictures :p
so here you are...

The ingredients.. :)

The meet sauce almost done.. :)

Tadaaa done :D
It did taste good okay! because it finished that night even :p
And to those of my friends who have been wanting to know how I made it..
this is for you guys :))
and yea... ^-^
More coming soon :))

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